Friday, August 11, 2006

Weeks' story on big screen?? You laugh? It could and may well happen. A well placed source within Hollywood circles tells FAUXRUMORS this morning that there are infact some early preparations to tell the Kevin Weekes story in a full length motion picture.
Though still in the very early stages of development, there have already been some preliminary overtures made to some actors to play some of the more notable roles.
To play an adult Kevin Weekes, Cuba Gooding Jr. has been mentioned. Not only does he have a passing resemblance to Kevin, both being black and all, he's also a decent skater and has been known himself to eat a dick or 2 on occasion.
To play Kevin's frequently abusive father, another Jr, Academy Award winner Louis Gossett Jr with his West Indies accent would be perfect for the role.
Its not known how deeply the film will get into the more lurid details of Kevin's early sexual awakenings; From reports happened as a teen with an old coach. Later continuing with a dear friend/team mate who could be played by Eric McCormack of late of Will and Grace fame, who is also from Toronto.
There are many other details to be worked out in the coming months, but we are told that a large studio is very interested in the preliminary script, and a final deal could be announced before the end of the year. As always, stay tuned..


Blogger faux rumors said...

It would be a block buster for sure. Haven't heard anything recently, but as you alluded, with the success of that gay cowboy flick, it might be the time to bring the Weekes story to the big screen.

4:35 AM  
Blogger faux rumors said...

Thank you for the insite 'rainbow. We here at FAUXRUMORS welcome any insights. Please feel free to relate more about our favourite gay goalie Weekes, or go to the origniual site and comment on other hockey ralated issues

11:24 AM  

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