Monday, August 14, 2006

Weekes to the Blues? Word out of St. Louis is that former Ranger color man and new team president John Davidson is pushing Larry Pleau into acquiring Kevin Weekes. As of this posting the Blues back up goalie would be Curtis Sanford, not to be confused with Fred Sanford, or an NHL goalie.
Davidson is believed to think that Weekes would be a good and relatively cheap goaltending upgrade. Additionally the Blues marketing wants more dark skinned players to go along with Jamal Mayer's, so they can attract more Negroes to attend games. Anson Carter is also believed being wooed by Pleau for much the same reason.
No word what the Rangers would ask in return for the much maligned gay tender, or if his checkered past is actually known to Davidson. Though it would be difficult to believe that he didn't know that Weekes is a predator. Perhaps they also plan to bring in another gay player to temper Kevin's possible locker room outbursts. As always keep it here for the latest!


Blogger faux rumors said...

Talking about Weekes isn't all i do, and no I'm not gay. Are you? Not that there's anything wrong with that. We're Simply relaying the information our sources are telling us.
Stay tuned for the latest

4:34 AM  
Blogger faux rumors said...

Thanks DVS. I liked your proposed Sundin blog name. Perhaps Matts will take you up on the idea. I suspect he/she won't be back to let us know.

7:15 AM  

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